Government seeks help with implementing Australian & New Zealand trade agreements

Author - Jasmin Brown

Date published:

With free trade agreements (FTAs) with Australia and New Zealand having entered into force earlier this year, the Government has invited industry, policy makers and regulators in those countries to help to deliver and implement agreements and identify any future barriers to trade in goods and services.

It claims that the deals will set new global standards in goods and services and are expected to unlock a projected £2.3 billion boost to the UK economy from the Australia FTA and £800 million from the agreement with New Zealand.

The Government is now seeking to collaborate with partners to deliver a series of events to facilitate collaboration between UK and Australian and New Zealand technology companies and to demonstrate the benefits of fully implementing the intentions of two particular UK-Australia FTA chapters: Digital Trade and Innovation.

With the duration of this project likely to be six months (October 2023 to April 2024), the bidder will be required to deliver phased outputs against set timelines with the final report of delivery activity and findings required by 31 March 2024.

Proposals should be between £8000 and £20,000 and all funding must be activity-based (not for general support staff costs (admin and finance support) or office rental).

The deadline for submitting bids is 31 October 2023 and they must be submitted to [email protected].

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