Chamber larger business of the year

Exemplary business in their membership category

A business that strives to be best in its field, engages in our region and engages with its workforce. This business goes from strength to strength whatever comes its way and knows which way it’s going.

What we need from you

Open to our medium, partner and large member businesses.

To enter this category please provide the following information:

  • An overview of your turnover, net profit and net reserves, over the last three years. Please note: we require an overview, and a projection where exact figures may not have yet been finalised or signed off. All financial information submitted is strictly confidential.
  • A brief description of your business; the products or services it supplies, its customers and the markets it operates in.
  • An overview of your staffing structure.
  • What external factors have affected your business and how have you dealt with those effects?
  • Describe your business’ achievements since it was established and how these were accomplished.
  • Describe your business’ objectives for the next 6 to 18 months and how you plan to achieve them.

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