Linking Business with Education

Author - Rebecca Graham

Date published:

A webinar to support existing work to drive up the quality of careers education.

The aim of this event is to support existing work to drive up the quality of careers education to ensure that all young people have access to meaningful encounters with employers, work experience opportunities, and impartial advice on the many career opportunities available in the North East.

Businesses have an important role to play in readying our region’s young people for work and ensuring that the region’s workforce has the skills businesses need to succeed. This is vital for the wellbeing of both individuals and our future economy.

This Linking Business with Education event will bring together leaders from education and business to discuss the importance of business/ school & college collaboration as well as to network and share best practice.

With the economic fallout of Covid-19 set to deeply impact the North East, this event will focus on:

1) Why businesses should engage with schools and colleges and what benefits this will bring.

2) How schools and businesses can learn from the pandemic and work more effectively together in the future.

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